The State of Community Development with Stan Reichert

With a team of industry experts, Selectron understands how to prioritize customer needs and provide solutions to government agencies that provide real impact. Stan Reichert, Director of Community Development, is one such expert on our team. Having worked with the City of Oklahoma City in IT for 28 years, Stan brings tremendous expertise with building and planning agencies to help shape solutions that streamline processes and enhance community engagement. 

Community Development Today: With his background and boots-on-the-ground approach to supporting clients, Stan has a strong understanding of the challenges Building and Planning departments face. We asked him to share three issues:

  • Construction is booming: “Regardless of interest rates, new builds are increasing all over the country and local, county, and state governments are feeling the pain. As the number of building applications and inspections continue to increase, we all know adding employees to relieve overworked staff requires increasing the budget…and time. As the workload for community development staff rises, results can take longer. This can result in higher costs for contractors due to delays in project completion. This is when they start pushing back on the elected officials to fix it.

    Further, adding staff does not always solve every issue. This is where we like to begin discussions with agencies because we know Selectron has solutions that can solve problems without increasing staff.”

  • Demand for a quick turnaround: “Whether it’s for plan review, inspections, certificate of occupancy, or anything else, the expectations of the architects, engineers, and contractors are as high as they have ever been. Assuming permit and inspection fees go to pay for salaries and technology, they think everything will just magically get faster and better. Without bringing on a technology partner who can streamline processes and help meet citizen demands, business as usual will just continue. To match these expectations requires finding the correct partner and solutions that actually accomplish (or exceed) the established goals.”
  • Customers (keep) wanting more: “In today’s world, customers expect government agencies to provide the same tools that private sector companies offer: 24×7 service, automated tools, and multi-channel access. Customers want easy access to communication and the services they need. Unfortunately, government agencies are often short-staffed and can’t effectively fulfill the expectations put on them today.”

With Stan’s background in local government, he understands these experiences first-hand, which is why he is excited to work for Selectron. He adds, “We are such an important part of providing solutions that drive efficiency for government agencies and their customers.”

Final Thoughts: “Government agencies are looking outside their permitting system providers for solutions because they understand not all permitting systems are created equal (nor do they offer everything they need). They are looking for partners to enhance the investment they have already made in their permitting system. These third-party partners can add-on valuable features like electronic plan review, virtual inspections, inspection scheduling, and management options. Partners like Selectron can help agencies find solutions to problems they didn’t even realize were possible. Every day we hear from our clients who see the direct benefits our solutions have on their day-to-day operations.”

Stan, as well as everyone at Selectron, wants to be a partner in your success. We listen deeply to understand the unique challenges that impact daily operations to tailor solutions that directly alleviate those issues.

Keep in touch: Contact us today and learn how we help your agency foster greater customer satisfaction and achieve your goals even as demand for services increases.


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